
The deadline for tuition aid applications for the STAR Foundation and Bishop’s Tuition Assistance has passed for the 2024/2025 school year. The last day to apply was April 28, 2024. However, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development has designated certain schools as Economically Disadvantaged Schools (EDS). Families applying to these schools are eligible for additional tax credit awards. This web portal is open and will accept applications through November 1, 2024. It will only be used as an eligibility verification tool for these EDS tax credits.

The following schools are eligible for additional EDS funding:

  • Blessed Sacrament School
  • Dubois Central Catholic Elementary School
  • Dubois Central Catholic Middle School
  • Dubois Central Catholic High School
  • Kennedy Catholic Middle School
  • Kennedy Catholic High School
  • Immaculate Conception
  • Our Lady of Peace
  • Saint Francis School
  • Saint George
  • Saint James
  • Saint John Paul II Elementary School
  • Saint Joseph Lucinda
  • Saint Jude
  • Saint Luke
  • Saint Michael School
  • St. Stephens School

The schools will instruct families to utilize the Diocese of Erie tuition aid application for additional EDS funding. Unless specifically notified by their schools, families should not utilize this application at this time.

Please contact your school directly with any questions or concerns.

  1. Register an account
  2. Gather your financial information
  3. Login and complete the brief application